Move over swine flu and other diseases. The latest bug to hit people is OFD . Wondering what that is? Well, it stands for Obsessive Facebook Disorder. And think twice before you plaster your face with a condescending smirk, for all you know, you might just be one of the victims!
The sufferers are known to experience palpitations when they see that red notification sign at the left most corner of the screen. They confess that their poor heart races at a marathon pace when they scramble to check it with trembling hands.
They are also prone to bouts of depression or fits of moodiness when they realise that their super cool status or photos did not get adequate number of 'likes'.
They can be found obsessively refreshing their fb page in order to catch any new 'updates'.
They might also have a propensity to document every SINGLE second of their life on facebook. So, if you see updates like "drank all night" or "love you babbbyyy had a super awesome day with you" or even "finally cured of constipation, filled the pot with shit!!", DONOT bat an eyelid. It's not their fault, poor souls. Really.
I'm proud to say that I have successfully eluded this bug. And now please excuse me. I need to update my status. To let people know that I've added a new post. And while I'm at it might as well as change my music preferences. And the profile pic is seriously very old..
What? What did you say? That I have OFD? How dare you!
1 comment:
OFD! :o
heard about it before, I have seen the symptom of OFD in few M:)RE friends.., SAGAR was one of them!
Ya! "was"
To get rid of the Obsessive Facebook Disorder, he finally took the hard decision and Deactivated his Facebook account.
informative post,anyway! ;-)
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